“Building on The Best” Capital Campaign (2019 – 2021)
Dear Members and Friends of Holy Cross Lutheran Church,
Three years ago when your pastoral transition began, the Holy Cross Lutheran Church transition team envisioned a Holy Cross that “Builds on the Best.” This vision calls this congregation to build on what is beautiful and good and true in our life together as we move into the future.
Paul’s words to the Ephesians remind us that Jesus Christ is our cornerstone and that we are building blocks of the church. We are created to be part of something bigger than ourselves. We are created to connect with others. We are created to be a dwelling place for God.
Our Building on the Best Campaign will enable us to be part of something greater than ourselves. With the encouragement and support of the Synod’s New Connections Campaign, we have set a goal of connecting to 48 new people over the next three year. To further that goal, we will strengthen our evangelical witness, participate the Synod’s New Connections Campaign, and make key improvements to our ministry facility to make it more attractive and welcoming.
With Christ as our cornerstone, let us build on the best with all Holy Cross has to offer, the best in worship and music, the best in community outreach and learning. Let us build connections to our neighbors, witnessing to love, hope and encouragement we ourselves find in Christ Jesus. Let us remember that are built together spiritually into a dwelling place for God. Thanks in advance for your partnership and your overflowing generosity.
Pastor Margrethe S. C. Kleiber