Magnificat: My Soul Magnifies the Lord
Mid-Week Advent Worship
This year for mid-week Advent worship, we will prepare for the birth of our Savior as we explore the text of Mary’s Song, the Magnificat. During Advent, we hear Gabriel’s startling announcement to Mary and her resounding song of praise. The Magnificat echoes through the ages, reminding us of the greatness, justice and promises of God. Join us for this festival time of Advent worship!
Week 1 (11/28): Nothing will be impossible with God
God’s redeeming power surprises us anew. Who are we to doubt the impossible?
Week 2 (12/5): My soul magnifies the Lord
Mary responds to Gabriel’s message with an ecstatic song of praise. How do we respond to God’s call?
Week 3 (12/12): God has brought down the powerful and lifted up the lowly
God’s sense of justice overturns our human constructs. In a world dominated by power and privilege, what does this “overturned justice” mean for us?
Week 4 (12/19): According to the promise
God’s promises are trustworthy and sure. Do we have the faith to watch and wait for the promise to be fulfilled?