So many events and people make up the life of a church! As I reflect on what has happened these past few weeks, I am struck by how much blessing we bring to one another, how much life we share with one another. Here we go now, with Wednesday of Holy Week.
March 17 Friday—the fifteenth day of Lent. Yes, Anne has St. Patrick’s day jokes. Anne’s jokes keep coming. Seriously, Anne must keep a file of jokes for every day of the year! How does she do that? Another LGHC to Anne.
March 18 Saturday—the sixteenth day of Lent. I am grateful for being able to ease into work this week. Everyone has been considerate, encouraging me to take it easy. Doug MacAdams keeps reminding me to take care of myself! I appreciate the concern and wisdom behind the words. Doug, today’s LGHC belongs to you!
March 20 Monday—the 17th day of Lent. Eve got back from her college class Cuba seminar today! It is good to have Eve’s cheerful, “can do” spirit here at Holy Cross. She does so much behind the scenes! Eve gets a LGHC for bringing laughter and energy to Holy Cross.
March 21 Tuesday—the 18th day of Lent. I was reminded last night what a great council we have! We had a lively discussion about electronic giving. Not everyone was in agreement but the discussion was honest and respectful. Then, the council made a decision and we moved on. This is a sign of a healthy group. The LGHC goes to the council!
March 22 Wednesday—the 19th day of Lent. I nominate Adams Green Funeral Home for the LGHC Award. Their work with the Odam family. Chad, one of their directors, has been a pleasure to work with and I know he has gone to bat for the family. And no, they are not paying me to say this.
March 23 Thursday—the 20th day of Lent. We trekked out to Arlington National Cemetery for Judy Odam’s interment. I was touched that so many of Judy’s friends came to say goodbye: Judy Keller, Jeanne Maysonett, Tuula Toney and others from Holy Cross and Herndon came. Friends like that are priceless. The LGHC goes to life-giving friendships formed at Holy Cross and elsewhere.
March 24 Friday—the 21st day of Lent. Lent is halfway over. That is hard to believe. I have a busy weekend ahead and I am so grateful to Suzanne Baggett for offering to take the children sermon on Sunday. She is a thoughtful and considerate individual and she is part of what makes Holy Cross such a special place. Suzanne, you get today’s LGHC.